The Angry Mermaid Award goes to? Yes, that is correct, there is now an award to be presented to the company that is doing the most to sabotage effective action on climate change. Some of the TOP nominees include:
SHELL for it's promotion of carbon capture while investing in environmentally destructive oil extraction from the Canadian Tar Sands.
SASOL due to it's lobbying for carbon capture and storage to compensate for the conversion of coal into petrol.
MONSANTO for presenting Genetically Modified crops as another climate change solution
AMERICAN PETROLEUM INDUSTRY for spending millions lobbying against climate legislation.
EUROPEAN CHEMICAL lobby for attempting to undermine EU attempts to cut carbon emissions.
AMERICAN COALITION FOR CLEAN COAL ELECTRICITY for promoting "CLEAN COAL" and funding a letter writing campaign in an attempt to weaken the US climate bill.
According to Paul de Clerk at Friends of the Earth International, "All the candidates have lobbied to protect their own profits and prevent effective action to tackle climate change. This influence by major polluters and lobbyists needs to be exposed. Climate Change can not be tackled, while doing business as usual, and that is what these companies and lobbying groups want to do."
PUBLIC VOTING for the "ANGRY MERMAID AWARD" starts TODAY. Visit Angry Mermaid and cast your vote.
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